Problems portMTA Solves

Performance & Business Continuity

On-premise portMTA performance is higher than that of cloud services as there is less latency and a dedicated infrastructure that you have the complete control over the servers and the network. In some cloud environments, you may not be allowed to change some of the performance configuration settings because the infrastructure is shared amongst many tenants

With On-premise portMTA, your IT team has full access to your dedicated server resources 24x7x365, which is advantageous for high-demand or business-critical operations. Just remember that 99.99% still allows almost an hour of downtime per year, and that’s an hour of pain that could be avoided by keeping your email in-house with an on-premise portMTA deployment. Don’t forget, no one cares more about your uptime than you do. If your onpremise portMTA server goes down - which is unlikely, thanks to its redundant configuration options- you have full access to your infrastructure, hosts, backups, everything necessary to troubleshoot and resolve the outage. But if your cloud email service is down, you can open a ticket and wait at the mercy of cloud provider’s support, no amount of quick reaction time from your team matters from this point on

Applications working with large data on-premises should be located near the data where it can better interact with the data. Large collections of data can take hours, even days, to move from its source to the cloud. Applications that rely on real-time user data interaction, high-speed analytics, personalization, or recommendation require need for speed. So, going directly to a public cloud service may be too slow, so it makes more sense to use an on-premises MTA that can scale horizontally.

If you send more than a couple of millions of emails per month, or do not want to suffer from deploy delay will instantly see the benefits of an on-premise portMTA solution that can send 1mn message/hour up to 100mn message/hour. You will never feel limited by prices per email or feel secondary in send speed.