portMTA Features

Efficient Blacklist Management
portMessage evaluates patterns for flood, throttling and other dynamic delivery features in connections to service providers. Virtual MTA configurations help to eliminate invalid target addresses in passing-through traffic.
Ubiquitous Activity Management
Differentiation of engaged and not-engaged targets is crucial for reputable deliverability. portMessage tracks the target address behaviour and automatically classifies the target audience that resonates with your message accordingly.
Auto Feedback Loop Management
portMessage preserves whitelist status and reduces the number of spam complaints from subscribers who marks your content as spam by automatic processing of Spam Feedback Loops.
Easy Setup/Integration
portMTA support many methods like SMTP, file pick-up, API to ensure easy integration
Virtual MTAs
Virtual MTA technology allows senders to create separate many different virtual engines for different purposes with different IP address blocks
High Volume Delivery & Policy Management
portMTA farm can receive and send millions of messages per hour and Delivery Policy Management helps to define policies per domain/client or virtual MTA.
High Availability
portMTA “configuration reload at runtime” feature enables engine ensures high uptimes

portMTA automates huge/complex blacklisting process and ensures better deliverability for enterprises

portMTA keeps encrypted messages on disc and ensures the privacy of the messages sent
Send Time Optimization
portMTA optimizes send-time for receivers which increases both open ratios and deliverability.

IP Rate Limiting
portMTA supports IP based rate limiting which enables system administrators to throttle the number of messages separately for each IP address and domain or virtual MTA
Authentication Tools
Authentication tools offer precise delivery control with options to enable or disable DomainKeys and/or DKIM-based sender authentication
Auto-Warm Process
portMTA supports easy IP warming up with a single command automatically
Advanced Marketing Features
portMTA provides advanced marketing features for enterprise developers to enable personalised campaign creation and schedule

Advanced Reporting
portMTA provides detailed reports for each delivery including hard bounces, soft bounces and bounce categories