Problems portMTA Solves

Complete Control

On-premise portMTAs are controllable and dependable. It provides easier and direct backend integrations and more control of your sending configuration from start to finish. This lets you manage every aspect of your email sending configurations, tuning them to your specific needs. You can enjoy the benefits of direct database integration, XML integration or server to server integration. With an on-premise portMTA, you are less limited by cloud APIs or web hook restrictions.

On-premise also means that your infrastructure is not shared with others. Your operations won’t be impacted by mistakes or use from others. Thus, improving dependability in the long run.

You can tailor your email infrastructure that is configured to your unique needs. Ability to configure each mailbox send rate and the way hard and soft bounces are

Segregating your traffic into multiple queues and different outbound IP Pools. This lets you both prioritize your most important emails and handle complex reputation-based configurations, giving you more flexibility.